Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life is not a video game.

Hey, don't be a dummy... Life is not a video game. When you do stuff in real life, there are real consequences. Oh... and these consequences aren't able to vanish by simply restarting the game or by shutting the console off. Nope. Life is really happening - all the time.

Even when you are sleeping, life is happening then too. Even when you are doing stuff you like to do, life is still happening. Even when you are on the toilet, life is going on... it's still there, still happening. Even when you are feeling like there is a big honker of a booger up your nose but there are too many people around and you don't want them to think you are picking your nose - life is happening. Even when... okay, I think you got the idea.

What happens when we live life like we play video games? Life becomes less cool because the "game" doesn't seem fair. Consequences of failure AND success can be rather overwhelming in the real world... I mean, if I beat the video game no body really expects any more of me, but if I win something in real life people expect all kinds of stuff: speeches, autographs, time, my attention, etc. Maybe some people want that kinda thing. I don't know. But I do know this. Life is for real. Video games aren't.

I once said this, "You can do two things at once with a tv. Watch the tube and your life go by at the same time." But I could also say, "play video games and watch your life go by at the same time." Tennis JuiceSqueezing tennis balls won't give you one once of orange juice. And watching, chewing, squeezing, stomping, or playing video games won't give you one once of new life. [don't ask where I came up with that... because I'm still trying to figure that out.]

So, start living and put the game controller down for a sec... or better - a few hours. Life is not a video game, and sometimes it takes people writing blogs with silly names and pictures of juicing tennis balls to remind us that it's not.

Deep breath... exhale... we are alive. Yes. You are now aware and protected from dummanitis (the disease of dummy's).

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