Monday, September 15, 2008

Not Worth It

Don't be a dummy! Just like this dude who is about to be pulverized by a bull, don't let your culture talk you into doing stuff that has no real meaning and hurts. Meaningless stuff that draws crowds should be considered suspect. Imagine this dudes story in the hospital as someone says, "hey man, what happened?"

" I was running around in a circle trying to make a bull mad. He got mad and then he got me."

Don't be a dummy!

Click image to view

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't Be A Dummy: Presidential Candidates

Don't Be A Dummy - neither of the media-made candidates represent the core values of Jesus. Notice I said media-made. Did you know there were other choices than Obama-McCane? Probably not.. There are other choices that are more closely aligned with the core values of Jesus, but they won't make the headlines, and for a good reason. They don't play well with power structure in Washington D.C.

When will the way of Jesus - the way of loving our enemies, blessing those that curse us, forgiveness, peace, authentic goodness (as opposed to hypocritical righteousness), and care for the down-trodden, poor, outcasts, and marginalized - become a political position for most Christians?

Friday, September 5, 2008 - stop rockin' the box.... Watch the intro video now!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Campaign to End Box-based Living (CEBL) is well underway.... It started as a creative idea a number of months ago. Now, with several members and a host of young people wanting to get involved, CEBL is beginning to rock the cardboard off of faces!

Tomorrow we will be filming Episode 1 in Commerce, TX. Stay tuned and

Matthew Armstrong

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Glory of the Mess

Wow... Man, I've created another mess. And I am glad. You know why? Because regardless of whether I meant to or not, something amazing happens when I make messes. Well, actually something amazing CAN happen because of messes - if we allow it. Now I'm not trying to glorify my mess here, don't get me wrong. But I do want to expose the Glory to be found in it.

You have made a mess before, right? Duh? Ever notice how doors can open, ways are made, intentions are checked, motivations are examined, and the heart can open to receive.... and it is in that opening of the heart that the amazing stuff manifests, if we will allow it.

What did I do, what is my mess you ask? Well, I would ask you the same thing. What is the mess in your life that might expose the heart to the state of receiving from God?

Let your mess be God-mess...

God Bless,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm becoming the youth...

I'm becoming the youth pastor at Cross Roads Church and this last week was my first week, actually doing the youth service for the teenagers. I'm really excited about what we gonna do this week and what God is gonna do in the future.
Thank you. listen

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Apathy vs Reality

Be empowered as we briefly touch on this amazing insight: You change the world whether you want to or not.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Better than Cool.

So check this out: here is something better than cool.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life is not a video game.

Hey, don't be a dummy... Life is not a video game. When you do stuff in real life, there are real consequences. Oh... and these consequences aren't able to vanish by simply restarting the game or by shutting the console off. Nope. Life is really happening - all the time.

Even when you are sleeping, life is happening then too. Even when you are doing stuff you like to do, life is still happening. Even when you are on the toilet, life is going on... it's still there, still happening. Even when you are feeling like there is a big honker of a booger up your nose but there are too many people around and you don't want them to think you are picking your nose - life is happening. Even when... okay, I think you got the idea.

What happens when we live life like we play video games? Life becomes less cool because the "game" doesn't seem fair. Consequences of failure AND success can be rather overwhelming in the real world... I mean, if I beat the video game no body really expects any more of me, but if I win something in real life people expect all kinds of stuff: speeches, autographs, time, my attention, etc. Maybe some people want that kinda thing. I don't know. But I do know this. Life is for real. Video games aren't.

I once said this, "You can do two things at once with a tv. Watch the tube and your life go by at the same time." But I could also say, "play video games and watch your life go by at the same time." Tennis JuiceSqueezing tennis balls won't give you one once of orange juice. And watching, chewing, squeezing, stomping, or playing video games won't give you one once of new life. [don't ask where I came up with that... because I'm still trying to figure that out.]

So, start living and put the game controller down for a sec... or better - a few hours. Life is not a video game, and sometimes it takes people writing blogs with silly names and pictures of juicing tennis balls to remind us that it's not.

Deep breath... exhale... we are alive. Yes. You are now aware and protected from dummanitis (the disease of dummy's).