Monday, September 15, 2008

Not Worth It

Don't be a dummy! Just like this dude who is about to be pulverized by a bull, don't let your culture talk you into doing stuff that has no real meaning and hurts. Meaningless stuff that draws crowds should be considered suspect. Imagine this dudes story in the hospital as someone says, "hey man, what happened?"

" I was running around in a circle trying to make a bull mad. He got mad and then he got me."

Don't be a dummy!

Click image to view

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't Be A Dummy: Presidential Candidates

Don't Be A Dummy - neither of the media-made candidates represent the core values of Jesus. Notice I said media-made. Did you know there were other choices than Obama-McCane? Probably not.. There are other choices that are more closely aligned with the core values of Jesus, but they won't make the headlines, and for a good reason. They don't play well with power structure in Washington D.C.

When will the way of Jesus - the way of loving our enemies, blessing those that curse us, forgiveness, peace, authentic goodness (as opposed to hypocritical righteousness), and care for the down-trodden, poor, outcasts, and marginalized - become a political position for most Christians?

Friday, September 5, 2008 - stop rockin' the box.... Watch the intro video now!